My Jobs In Kenya
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Project Evaluation Consultant



Ripple Effect is an international organization fighting global poverty, food and nutrition insecurity while promoting gender equity and care for the planet. Ripple Effect and her partners work with vulnerable communities to address underlying causes of poverty, hunger, and malnutrition, and promote development. They as well as mitigate suffering caused by drought and displacement. Ripple Effect’s approaches bring smallholder farmers together to learn more, grow more and sell more. So, they can feed their families nutritious food, and with a surplus to sell, they can invest in their farms, send their children to school, and build sustainable agribusinesses. Ripple Effect distinguishes the importance of building local capacities for sustainable change.

Ripple Effect Kenya is seeking to engage a qualified consultant to undertake an end of project evaluation  detailed in the Terms of reference (ToR) available at

The project being evaluated
Title: Enterprising Migori project (EMP)
Project duration: September 2020 – August 2024
Enterprising Migori Project (EMP) is a four-year project implemented in Kakrao and West
Kanyamkago wards of Suna East and Uriri sub-counties of Migori county respectively. The project will consolidate the gains made in the Kakrao Sustainable Livelihoods Project (KLP 2017 – 2020), deepening the impact and expanding reach to cover more vulnerable families in the nearby West Kanyamkago ward.
The project rides on the existing positive Government goodwill and leverages on KLP impacts including increased farm productivity, improved hygiene and sanitation, HIV/AIDS awareness, empowering PLWHIV to take the lead in campaigns for sharing and reducing stigma, improve health seeking behaviour etc.
It targets to reach 9,000 households both directly and through indirect mechanisms. The targets will be supported to attain sustainable livelihoods by utilizing natural resources to increase farm production and productivity, improve nutrition and health and establishment of own farm businesses.


The consultant will be expected to deliver the following:
• Inception report detailing the evaluation design, methodology, and work plan with
timelines before the commencement of evaluation.
• Draft interim evaluation report within 3 weeks from commencing the evaluation but
before validation workshop for review and feedback.
• Full data set for review and record
• Document case studies and best practices identified in the project in collaboration with
the Ripple Effect Communication department.
• Final evaluation report incorporating feedback and recommendations.
• Presentation of findings to key stakeholders.

The successful consultants shall submit inception report and work plan to Ripple Effect within 5 working days of signing the contract. The evaluation is to be done within 30 consecutive days including inception report, data collection, analysis, drafting of the report and a validation meeting with the Ripple Effect team, project participants and partners. The evaluation therefore is expected to take place over a period of 4 weeks, with key milestones as follows:
• Week 1: Inception phase and desk review
• Week 2: Training enumerators and field data collection
• Week 3: Data analysis and drafting of the report
• Week 4: Validation and submission of draft report
• Week 5: Finalization and presentation of the final report


A postgraduate qualification in Agricultural Economics, Rural Development, Economics,
Statistics, Monitoring and Evaluation, gender studies, value-chain or relevant fields (at
least A master’s degree in a relevant field).

More Details on Experience

A minimum of 7 years of experience in evaluating similar projects, particularly in
agricultural and livelihoods projects. Knowledgeable and experience in evaluating
integrated agriculture, environment, health (especially HIV/AIDS) and the context in
Kenya is an added advantage. Previous experience working with rural communities is

More Details on Skills

Strong qualitative and quantitative research skills.
• Excellent analytical and report-writing skills.
• Familiarity with the socio-economic context of Western Kenya.
• Ability to communicate effectively with diverse stakeholders.

Terms And Conditions

Interested consultants should submit:
• A technical proposal outlining their understanding of the TOR, proposed methodology,
and work plan.
• A financial proposal detailing the costs associated with the evaluation.
• CVs of the lead consultant and team members.
• Samples of previous relevant work.
Interested and qualified consultant(s) or firms should send their application by email as a single pdf file (Maximum 25 pages including CVs and Budgets) addressed to:
1. [email protected] and copy to
2. [email protected] , (Program and partner support Manager Ripple Effect
3. [email protected] , (Country Director Ripple Effect Kenya)
4. [email protected] (The Regional Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning and
program Effectiveness Lead Ripple Effect Africa Hub)
Applications should reach by close of business on 7th August 2024.